December 13, 2011: Matthew Stanciu explains a new game that came in his dream!

This game has the title Evil Fire 3, and will be listed on "Most Recent" on Matthew's Games. Evil Fire 3 is the most popular, he says, that was played in his dream. The dream took place in the Cumberland Elementary (West Lafayette, IN) cafeteria. 

Rules: Each person runs around a place with objects. Those object are fireballs. Each player has fifty lives. They also hold five hexes. Each hex has different powers. The strongest takes away twenty fireballs and twenty-five lives. You only have two hundred fireballs, but for fifty lives each, that is very little, so use them wisely! Each fireball takes away one life, so keep track! Oh wait, you don't need to, because there is always a scoreboard and a button that takes away one life. One person will control the scoreboard. They will write the numbers in pencil, and erase the previous number for the person that lost a life when they lose a life. The scoreboard person also watches for any mistakes (mistakes like, not pressing the button when you get hit, for example).The bigger the play area, the better. You will need to make the hexes, buttons, and the scoreboard. For more information, please leave a comment on this blog, or go to the "Help"